The article analyzes the process of forming a complex system of architectural heritage protection in Italy and the evolution of the legal system in the field of cultural heritage preservation. The analysis clarifies the condition of heritage preservation in Italy, allows to trace some trends in its development and follow their successful experience. The issue of the protection and usage of architectural monuments and the analysis of international experience in the field of cultural heritage preservation have not been studied enough in Ukrainian scientific works.
The purpose of the article is to reveal the regularities and peculiarities of the history of the formation and development of the cultural heritage protection and usage mechanisms in Italy. Italian cultural policy in the field of cultural and natural heritage protection started forming earlier than in other European countries because of the amount of significant cultural values. Italy has the richest experience in working with architectural heritage. The current state of the studied area in Italy shows the successful approaches and the high-quality management policy, which made it possible to expand the country's tourist potential to the highest level in Europe without threatening the existence of monuments.
Italian legislation allowed to expand and streamline cooperation between the government and regions in heritage preservation field. In addition, regions got some autonomy in the field of improving and increasing the value (valorization) of heritage. Public-private partnership in this field and the organization of public-private funds are also an effective attempt of state and private cooperation.
The analysis of successful European experience can become a basis for improving the legislative framework of Ukraine in the field of cultural heritage protection and form mechanisms for effective management of architectural monuments, both at the national and regional levels.
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