This article presents an alternative approach to strategic planning for the development of territorial communities. The essence of this method is an integral approach by the territorial community to the use of available resources necessary for its development with differential planning of specific operational tasks for a specific time.
An urbanized system is considered as a spatial, hierarchically structured functional system. Strategic planning is based on the principles of organization and development of systems through their resources, processes and structure.
The methodology of strategic planning is based on a hierarchical representation of the object, determining the efficiency of urbanized systems. The methodology includes three stages: description, strategy modeling, and implementation.
Based on the systemic and structural analysis of the object, a standard scheme for describing the city and its functional subsystems has been developed, which includes structure, resources, and processes. Each of them is characterized by indicators of different hierarchical levels - absolute, group, complex and integral. Each of the characteristics has a name, type, type, value, and unit of measurement. The analysis of the object and the evaluation of its functioning efficiency are carried out taking into account the efficiency, environmental friendliness and comfort of the urban environment.
To determine the effectiveness of strategic planning of the city, the author proposes methods for assessing the efficiency, environmental friendliness and comfort. They are suitable for use at different hierarchical levels and will allow to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy, development programs, plans, and projects.
This methodology allows you to create an operational computer system for modeling, researching, and managing the development of systems depending on changes in the external characteristics of the structure, processes, and resources.
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