: 160-165
Department of Design and Fundamentals of Architecture National University “Lviv Politechnic”, Lviv

This study summarizes the results of the analysis of three dozen architectural objects in Lviv based on which presents architectural school in Lviv and its transition towards postmodern stylistics. The article considers the analysis of the phenomenon of postmodern architecture, in particular one of the key issues of the discussion with modernism - the possibility and nature of decorating the facades of buildings. Firstly, the role of geometric-decorative ornamentation as an indicator of the emergence of the so-called "Carpathian style," considered a proto-postmodernism, into a full-fledged postmodern architectural language was identified. Subsequently, the gradual disappearance of this ornamentation served as an indicator of the return to modernist paradigms, albeit in a significantly distinct form from the late Soviet neoclassicism. Additionally, the presence of such decorative elements in the Lviv context suggests that the same fundamental factors contributing to the development of postmodernism in North America and Europe were at play in this region.

Secondly, the artistic and compositional peculiarities of postmodern decorative motifs in the Lviv architectural school were investigated. It was found that the architects from Lviv occupied a complex and ambivalent position concerning their search for alternatives to modernism. While their fundamental design principles and concepts displayed clear contrasts, on the level of details, particularly in decorative elements, they actively drew from modernist culture, specifically abstract art.

Finally, potential directions for further research on the phenomenon of postmodernism in Lviv were outlined, with a specific focus on evaluating the decorative language of buildings from that era. The study proposes the hypothesis that during the 1990s to the early 2010s, a distinct system of geometric-decorative ornamentation might have begun to take shape within the Lviv architectural school. However, this development did not progress further due to the shift in design approaches and the adoption of neo-modernist architectural language. Further exploration of this aspect may shed light on the unique architectural developments in Lviv during that period.

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