The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the historical prerequisites for the formation of memorial architecture and modern trends in the design of memorial objects, in particular military cemeteries, which reflect the memory of historical events and fallen heroes. Special attention is paid to the experience of creating such objects in Ukraine and abroad, covering memorial complexes in Kyiv, Odesa, Cherkasy and Lviv, as well as in Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany and the USA. The study covers architectural and artistic-aesthetic solutions of memorial complexes, which embody not only historical memory, but also function as symbols of national identity and cultural identity. Particular emphasis is placed on modern approaches, dominated by minimalist and supremacist solutions, which create an emotional and spiritual atmosphere for visitors, helping not only to honor the memory of the fallen, but also to gain a deeper understanding of one's own national belonging.
The authors analyze the examples of design of memorial objects developed by the Lviv School of Architecture, in particular, the Department of Architectural Environment Design, in the form of educational, research and competition projects. These projects have the potential for the further development of the national architecture of memorial-monumental design, in particular in the context of commemorating the fallen military and civilians in Ukraine's current war against Russian aggression. Examples of the renovation of memorial objects, developed within the framework of bachelor's and master's programs, were studied, in particular, projects of military memorials in Lviv and other cities of Ukraine. Emphasis is placed on the combination of architectural, cultural and national aspects in the creation of memorial objects that serve not only as places of memory, but also as symbols of national unity and identity.
This work emphasizes the importance of an architectural approach to the preservation of historical memory, contributing to the formation of new cultural symbols and the revival of national heritage through monumental and memorial design.
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