: 85-90
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Technology of wine was open a very long ago, when man yet did not had vineyards,  but picked berries in-field and began to provide them for the future use. On the rest berries under the action of wild microflora juice rambled, forming primitive wine. Wine - not that other, as the vine juice canned in natural way by means of winy yeasts. The task of vine-makers is a permanent improvement of ability of tasting, bringing in to the estimation of Wiens of computer technique and other sciences, that would help objectively to estimate quality of wine. This wine - is the product of nature, created by the hands of masters and creative energy of specialists, here many unsolved to this time secrets that is covered in the art of creation of high-quality Wiens. In fact it's known that composition of soil, agricultural technician influences on quality of Wiens, a hypsography, composition of fertilizers that bring in soil during viniculture, methods of treatment of vine and climatic terms of region. Distinguish the methods of quantitative analysis - classic: gravimetry and titrimetry; to the first it follows to take determination: relative closeness, ash, moisture, sulfates; to the second: determination: sugar, acids (volatile, titrated), nitrogen, aldehydes, esters,buffering and alkalinity. Also apply instrumental methods: the first place is occupied by a chromatography - by means of that determine mass concentration sugar, to the ethanol, composition of anthocyanins and phenols, content of amino acids, preservatives, other auxiliary substances of such as: dyes (natural or synthetic), sweeteners, flavours, food additions. To these methods belong: physical is determination: viscosity, closeness, dry substances, temperature of freezing; рН. Every stage of technochemical control : entrance, technological, weekend, the criterion of those or other indexes that in eventual case will allow to provide the effective monitoring of quality of the prepared products envisages the set, exactly - wine-materials and guilt. Тechnochemical and microbiological control of the vine making carry out certificated and some private laboratories, that serve the far of wineries simultaneously. They are equipped by all types of connection (fax, teletype, telephone, transport) and automatic transfer lines of complex analysis of wine at front-rank level.

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