: 18-24
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The polymer materials, which contain Phosphorus in the main chain, have considerable interest as materials for medical and biomedical applications. Therefore, it is actually to find a convenient method for obtaining polyetherphosphates. The article is discussing the method of obtaining polyethylene glycol ethylphosphate, which is a monomer for the preparation of polyphosphates. Polyethylene glycol ethylphosphate was obtained by interaction between a polyethylene glycol trityl ether and ethyldichlorophosphate.

At the first stage, one of the chlorines POCl3 is replaced by aliphatic alcohol. The substitute of the aliphatic fragment is important for the synthesis of surface-active compounds. The structure of the obtained ethyldichlorophosphate was confirmed by the titration and 31P NMR spectroscopy. The yield of this product is low and amount 30-33%.  At the second stage, one of the hydroxyl groups of polyethylene glycol was protected by a trityl group to prevent the interaction with two hydroxyl groups. The polyethylene glycol trityl ether was characterized by IR spectroscopy.

At the next step, other chlorines of ethyldichlorophosphate are replaced by the interaction with the hydroxyl groups of the trityl esters of polyethylene glycol. The resulting intermediate, trityl ester of polyethylene glycol ethylphosphate, was characterized by IR spectroscopy, 31P NMR spectroscopy, and elemental analysis. At the end stage of synthesis protection is removed. The final product, polyethylene glycol ethylphosphate, was characterized by IR spectroscopy and elemental analysis.

The surface-active properties of polyethylene glycol-ethyl phosphate have been investigated. The resulting product has surface-active properties, but has not a critical micelle concentration (CMC)

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