: 41-47
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Porous materials of silicate nature are characterized by a wide range of performance properties, which provides considerable durability, reliability, environmental friendliness and stability of properties during their operation in different environments. Among such materials are foam glass. However, in today's market reality, its widespread use is limited by the scarcity of raw materials and significant energy costs. In the leading countries of the world, the foam glass is made in the form of blocks of different thicknesses, as well as in the form of crushed stone or granules of different fractional composition. Unfortunately, in Ukraine this material is made only at one NPP Technology under the PINOSKLO trademark. The classical technology of production of such material involves the use in the composition of the mixture of more than 95-98% (wt.) Specially welded glass or fragments of glass of various chemical composition and fine-grained additives, which cause the process of batching of the charge in tunnel furnaces in a linear mode of heating at a temperature of 800-900 ºС with process duration of 3-5 hours. It should be noted that such technology ensures the appropriate quality of products. However, these circumstances are a limiting factor in reducing the price of material. As a result, the development of new charge compositions based on locally available cheap raw materials and production wastes, as well as cutting these masses at high-speed modes, is an urgent task that will expand the raw material base and significantly reduce energy costs and, ultimately, the cost of finished goods.

The article presents the results of the study of zeolites and zeolite-containing rocks (Transcarpathian region), which are characterized by stable composition and properties and can be used for the production of various porous materials. The results of microscopic, differential-thermal and X-ray phase analyzes of the rock are presented.

The author has developed a series of charge structures and methods of cutting granular porous glass-ceramic materials on the basis of the system of "glass-clay-zeolite" fractures, where zeolite tuffoargillites of Transcarpathia have been used as zeolite. The parameters of the semi-finished product formed by the method of pressing and granulation are given.

It was found that when the specimens formed by the pressing method and the granulation method at the speed mode at temperatures of 900-1000 ºС are obtained, it is possible to obtain a light, porous material with an average density of 350-680 kg / m3 with water absorption within 8,3-14,8%. Obtained material of round shape, without signs of deformation and sticking. The surface is dense, homogeneous, the inner part of the material evenly porous with a predominant pore size of 0,5-1,50 mm.

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