The analysis of varieties of clay feedstock from Yavoriv deposit was carried out. In the field, the conditions of natural occurrence of raw materials were studied. The results of thermal and X-ray diffraction analyses revealed their mineralogical composition. The possible use of montmorillonitohlorite carbonate-containing clays from Yavoriv deposit in blending stockpiles of the glass-zeolite-clay fragment system to obtain porous glass-ceramic materials was examined. The optimal composition of a clay component content and temperature-time parameters for exposing the material to porosity were identified. Based on the developed blending stockpiles, the conditions for material granulation were studied. It has been determined that the presence of a clay component under investigation in blending stockpiles contributes to the process of material granulation and to the increase of the strength of raw granules of different granulometric composition. The method for strength properties characterization of formed granules was suggested. The optimal conditions for exposing granulate to porosity were quantified experimentally.
Based on the obtained composition of weight and parameters of exposure to porosity, the granulated porous material with a volume weight of 0.29-0.33 g/cm3 was obtained under laboratory conditions. The porous properties of the material yielded were studied.
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