The influence of the polymeric modifier – poly(vinyl chloride) on the chemical stability of polyester composites was investigated. From the results of the research, it is found that equilibrium water absorption for polyester composites is established within 7-14 days. Water absorption of unmodified polyester material is about 1,5%.
The water absorption of composites containing CaCO3 in its composition is quite high and is ≈ 1-3%, while the composites with Al2O3 are 0,5-1,3%. Obviously, the dynamics of swelling of polyester composites in water is significantly influenced not only by the topological structure of the polyester (the parameter of which is the density of the mesh of chemical bonds), but also by its supramolecular structure. Modified polyester materials containing DBF have the highest resistance to water (water absorption is ≈ 1,0-1,1%), because they have more equilibrium supramolecular structure, the formation of which is due to the presence of DBF, which acts as a solvent and a plasticizer for polyester resin and poly(vinyl chloride).
For modified polyester composites with CaCO3 the swelling of samples after 14 days of exposure in 3% NaOH and H2SO4 solutions is 1,3-1,6% in alkaline medium and 1,0% in acid, and for Al2O3 composites - does not exceed 1,3-1,5% in alkaline environment.
The introduction of inorganic finely dispersed fillers into a polyester matrix leads to an increase in the diffusion coefficient of the medium in the investigated materials, which is also reflected in changes in the physical and mechanical characteristics of the composites, in particular, the value of the surface hardness of all samples after exposure in water is less than the value of surface hardness prior to testing.
It was established that polyester composites with inorganic fine particulate filler CaCO3 are characterized by higher indicators of durability of materials, indicating the expediency of using this material for coatings, building products and structures
On the basis of performed electro - chemical studies on the determination of the influence of the content of the polymer modifier and the nature of the fillers on the corrosion properties of polyester materials, It was found that the introduction of inorganic finely dispersed fillers, in particular CaCO3 and Al2O3, into a modified polyester matrix leads to an increase in the corrosion properties of the material. Modified polyester materials from Al2O3 in the synthetic acid rain medium have the highest protective effect, as evidenced by the highest resistance values (3,6∙106 -3,9∙106 Om).
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