The article is devoted to the preparation of adsorbents for polymer adsorption on their surface. Adsorption of polymers on the surface of adsorbents from a solution has been widely developed and received a great deal of attention in research works, which prove the topicality of its use in development of new composite materials and solve many problems concerning the polymers characteristics and properties. The adsorbents drawbacks, i.e. small specific surface area, diameter of the primary pores and their amounthave been determined. In addition to chemical and mineral composition of the natural adsorbents, texture and structural characteristics are essential for studying and developing of adsorbents that take part in different adsorption processes. The material under study is a natural zeolite –clinoptilolite (Sokyrnytsia deposit, Zakarpattia region, Ukraine). The reported physical-and-chemical characteristics have been given.
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