Stress-strain behavior, cracking and bearing strength of foam concrete slabs punched through rigid stamps

Verba V. Stress-strain behavior, cracking and bearing strength of foam concrete slabs punched through rigid stamps / V. Verba , Kh. Demchyna // Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". - 2014. - № 781. - С. 202-207.


VerbaV., Demchyna Kh.

The article is devoted to the stress-strain behavior, cracking and bearing strength of plain and reinforced non-autoclaved foam concrete slab spunched through rigid stamp. Experimental researches were held on slabs freely supported along the contour. Authors made an effort to determine the level of loading that corresponded the start of cracking and it was set at the level of 0,6 Ncr . There was also evaluated the ultimate tensility of foam concrete.

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