Дослідження процесу остигання будівлі в умовах припинення теплопостачання


Голишев О. М., Голишев А. О., Михалків Д. В., Серебреніков Е. В. / Golyshev О., Golyshev А., Mikhalkiv D., Serebrenikov E.

ДВНЗ “Криворізький національний університет”,
кафедра теплогазоводопостачання, водовідведення і вентиляції

The article presents the theoretical calculations and the experimental research time cooling of the building in terms of existing heating systems during the cold season while to using periodic mode of heating, which is often taken to reduce energy consumption of buildings. In this mode, the heating system design parameters microclimate support system only for the duration of the building on time of day and day of the week, the time off the heating system is not working or supported minimum allowable temperature to quickly enter the normalized settings or software prevent freezing of the coolant in water systems heating. Theoretical calculations made for building provided use of the principle of the heating system. Experimental studies done in terms of application of the electric radiator and underfloor heating, which allowed to expand the boundaries of measurement and calculation to determine the temperature in the room at a temperature, at which the system of water heating emergency is dangerous. The calculation time cooling the building to the minimum set temperature when disconnecting heating system, which is especially important during emergency shutdown heat to determine the allowable time repair.

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