In this paper for calculation of reinforced concrete columns strengthened with carbon laminate with suggestions based on the method of calculation according to the recommendations NIISK and Sika on the basis of deformation model calculation according to regulations . To determine the additional eccentricity introduced by bending flexibility factor, which is derived using in Eurocode 2. The algorithm for calculating strengthened at the primary level loading columns. In the developed method of calculation based on proposed a methodology to take account of the inclusion of work carbon laminate reinforcement.
For Strengthening effect by main reinforcement’s yield state different of theoretical results with experimental is 5.65–7.5 % towards lowering the theoretical values. The discrepancy between the theoretical bearing capacity of columns with experimental for limit compressive strain of concrete is 8.35–9 % towards underestimation of experimental theoretical values. Calculation of load capacity noncentral compressed columns by method gives satisfactory results with theoretical values of strength is less than the expiremental, allowing you to recommend the proposed method of calculation to use.
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