
Obtaining Transparent Composites Based on Hybrid Silicate Hydrogels as Special Materials for Increasing the Fire Resistance of Glass Structures

Developing a new generation of transparent hydrogel firefighting mineral-polymeric materials is an urgent task. These composites are used to produce refractory glass structures, particularly double-glazed windows. These double-glazed windows are multilayer structures made of silicate glass sheets, with gaps filled by a transparent material that turns opaque under flame exposure, reducing heat load and maintaining structural integrity for a specified duration.


This paper presents a 3D modelling approach for developing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) aimed at increasing UAV availability in Ukraine. Using CAD (Computer-Aided Design) tools, particularly SolidWorks, a prototype based on the F-15 aircraft was created, followed by CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machining and the use of composite materials for a lightweight frame. For this UAV, laser guidance technology was implemented with software controlling navigation adjustments, ensuring high precision in target tracking.

Рhysico-mechanical properties of epoxy composites filled with metallized polyamide granule

The physical and mechanical properties of epoxy composites filled with copper-plated polyamide granules were investigated. Physico-mechanical properties were evaluated based on the results of tensile and impact toughness studies. It is shown that the obtained composites have high strength properties, which are preserved at the level of the unfilled matrix. It was established that the presence of polyamide granules of a copper shell on the surface has little effect on the change in the physical and mechanical properties of epoxy composites.

Розроблення дискретної моделі знаходження ефективних теплофізичних характеристик композитних матеріалів

Описано спосіб розрахунку теплофізичних характеристик композитних матеріалів зі складною внутрішньою структурою на основі дискретної моделі, що будується за методом теплоелектричних аналогій.

This paper consider the method of calculation the thermophysical characteristics of composite materials with complex internal structure based on the discrete model that is constructed by the method of thermal-electric analogies.

Spontaneous Polymerization of 4-Vinylpyridine Monomer on Micron-Sized Mica Platelets

In this study, we reported the spontaneous polymerization of two composite materials based on P4VP and mica at two different ratios, 4VP/mica/R=5 and 4VP/mica/R=10, noted as P4VP5@mica and P4VP10@mica, respectively. The obtained composites were characterized using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The polymerized P4VP on the inorganic surface has potential interest for the modification of the interfacial properties of the mica.

Synthesis, Sorption Properties, and Evaluation of Silica Gel with Adsorbed Poly[8-Oxyquinoline Methacrylate] as a Sorbent for Cu(II), Cd(II), Pb(II) and Fe(III) Ions

In the present study, a novel functionalized silica composite was prepared by adsorption of poly[8- oxyquinoline methacrylate] on the surface of silica gel. Immobilization of poly[8- oxyquinoline methacrylate] on the silica gel surface was confirmed using IR spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis combined with mass spectrometry. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the polymer almost completely covers the surface of the silica gel in the form of agglomerates of different geometric shapes.


Polylactide composite materials with inorganic filler -calcium carbonate which have been modified with epoxidized soybean oil and glycerin have been developed. On the basis of the modular-deformation method of calculation the elastic-plastic properties of the developed polylactide materials and the coefficient of structure are determined. The change of the modulus of deformation, modulus of elasticity, surface hardness, Vicat softening point and thermomechanical characteristics of polylactide composites is revealed.

Influence of diamond component based on wurtzite boron nitride on wear resistance of cutting tool

The article is devoted to the study of the influence of the diamond component in a composite superhard material based on wurtzite boron nitride on the stability of the tool during turning of hardened steels in the mode of smooth turning and when processing intermittent surfaces. The aim of the work is to study the influence of the content of the diamond component in the composite superhard material based on wurtzite boron nitride on the stability of the tool.

Influence of Polymer-Silicate Nucleator on the Structure and Properties of Polyamide 6

Physico-chemical properties of developed nickel-containing modified silicate materials as the nucleators for composites based on polyamide 6 are presented. As it was established, additive of the nucleator modified by polyvinylpyrrolidone promotes the increase of crystallinity degree of polyamide 6 and the decrease of crystallite size. It was found that changes in the structure of the material cause the increase of its tensile strength, surface hardness and Vicat softening point.


The results of experimental studies of the peculiarities of metallization of granular polyethylene are presented. The influence of concentration factors on the metallization process of zinc-activated polyethylene granules of brand Liten PL-10 was investigated. It is established that by changing the concentration of copper sulfate and sodium hydroxide, as well as the degree of loading of polymeric raw materials, it is possible to effectively regulate the amount of recovered copper on granules of polyethylene, and therefore the thickness of the metal layer formed on them.