: 151-159
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of hydraulic and sanitary engineering
Lviv City Communal Enterprise “Lvivvodokanal”

Watering lawns must completely provide irrigation of lawns’ area. Compared with no wind, a tail wind and head wind and side wind alter the trajectory of the jet of water that comes out of the water outlets of irrigation pipeline. The influence of the side air flow at right angles to the trajectory of the jet of water on the deviation of trajectory straight direction was investigated. Upgraded the experimental setup with short jets and low-pressure pump was used. The air flow created by the axial ventilator. The deviation from the trajectory of the water jet straight direction and reduce the length of trajectory by the action of air flow versus no air flow are confirmed. It is consistent with published sources. The linear dependence of angle of the trajectory of the water jet straight direction depending on the velocity of side air flow at right angles to the trajectory of the water jet is obtained. Displaying increase the area of lawn areas that will not be watering by increasing the velocity of side air flow at right angles to the trajectory of the water jet. The irrigation setup equip with control unit is offered for the purpose of turning at a certain angle to compensate for the effect of wind when watering lawns.

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