The article deals with the role of the middle class in society and the criteria for its identification as an economic entity, the history of American middle class and the comparative analysis of the middle class in the USA and Ukraine.
The middle class plays an important role in the economic growth of the country, performing economic, political, social, cultural and educational functions. The criteria for identifying middle class as an economic entity are a certain level of income and its stability; availability of material and financial assets; sufficient status in the labor market; certain consumer behavior.
The US experience shows that formation of the middle class is impossible without the government support. The history of the formation of the middle class in the USA is examined. The modern image of the American middle class comes from the post–World War II era. The factors that contributed to the formation of American middle class were the reform legislation of the New Deal, such as social security, unemployment insurance, labor relations; the growth of a strong labor union movement; reforms in banking and financial sector; the GI Bill.
Comparative analysis of the middle class in the United States and Ukraine shows that the Ukrainian middle class still does not match the American middle class by income, social status, personal characteristics, higher education as a guarantee of higher social status and higher financial compensation.
The recommendations for solving the problems of the middle class in Ukraine are offered. They include improving the institutional confidence in society; ensuring economic freedom; developing small businesses, including farming; stimulating aggregate demand to increase consumers; reducing the fiscal burden; expanding opportunities for mortgage lending; de-shadowing of the economy and the legalization of proceeds; improving the quality of higher education.
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