Purpose – The purpose of the article is to analyze the problematic issues of logistics business processes optimization and justify the need for the implementation of information systems and technologies into the logistics management of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Design/methodology/approach – a set of scientific methods was used, among some: theoretical generalization – to characterize the specifics of military logistics; historical and logical – to reveal the historical progress of military logistics; structural and logical analysis – to identify problems in the organization of business processes in the Armed Forces; modeling – to build a model for optimizing the logistics process; graphic – to visualize individual results; algorithmization – to represent the stages of SAPR/3 implementation; abstract – to systematize scientific achievements and formulate conclusions.
Findings – Optimization problems of logistics business processes in the Armed Forces of Ukraine are analyzed. Modern conditions require a radical change in outdated approaches to the formation of logistics business organizations, including the defense area. Examining the impact of logistics business processes on the financial security of defense enterprises, the study notes that there are both horizontal and vertical conditions and factors of such an impact. It is argued that an important factor in the development of logistics systems today is the active implementation of automated management decisions that lead to the formation of electronic logistics, which is important in the face of rapid changes in the unit’s location and active hostilities. The need to implement an automated management system in the logistics system based on Accelerated SAP (ASAP), which combines technological and management parts in the form of three main components: 1) synchronization of customer business priorities (depending on industry) with specific SAP solutions through industry business value maps of the Solution Explorer tool; 2) project management maps (route maps) with the main stages and actions on them; 3) design, development, testing and operation using SAP Solution Manager.
Practical implications – It was found that as a result of the implementation of the SAP R/3 program it is possible to increase the efficiency of logistics, speed up the execution of operational tasks, as well as speed of receiving and processing information. To better organize logistics processes in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the authors propose to create the service of monitoring the support component of the defense industry, which should include the head of the service, a technical support specialist, a rear support specialist, a medical support specialist, and an information support specialist.
Originality/value – The logistical support of the Armed Forces is aimed at meeting the needs of the troops with the means of subsistence they need, maintaining combat capability, and conducting combat operations. To optimize the logistics processes in the Armed Forces of Ukraine was proposed to create a service of monitoring the support component of the defense industry. The implementation of information innovation in the form of the SAP R/3 program will help increase the efficiency of logistics.
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