: 32-44
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the state, competitiveness and development prospects of Ukrainian enterprises in the field of retail trade in light petroleum products on the domestic market. The main tasks of the research are: determination of the subject, object and subject of competition, criteria of competitiveness of gas station networks of Ukraine and their rating; calculation of the intensity of competition in the industry; characterization of the industry according to M. Porter's 5 forces of competition.

Design/methodology/approach. The study, based on the collected data on the Ukrainian light oil products retail market, tested the hypothesis regarding the high level of monopolization of the market and the significant impact of the war and European integration on the development of the industry. The following research methods are used: analysis, synthesis, generalization, analogy, comparison, systematization, graphical methods of data display.

Findings. The subject, object and subject of competition in the field of retail trade of light petroleum products, which is key for the economy of Ukraine, are investigated. The volumes and features of fuel imports by Ukrainian companies in 2023 are analyzed. Ratings of the competitiveness of the largest domestic retailers according to various criteria are presented. The intensity of competition in the field of retail trade of light petroleum products was calculated according to the concentration coefficient, the Lind and Herfindahl-Hirschman indices, and the industry was characterized according to M. Porter's 5 forces of competition. Based on this, the type of market is determined – a rigid oligopoly. The peculiarities of the market are dependence on imported supplies and a radical change of logistics chains and suppliers in 2022. Accordingly, the following recommendations are given for strengthening competition and sustainable market development: implementation of more thorough monitoring of the market by AMCU bodies; diversification of suppliers of light petroleum products to Ukraine, in particular, with the assistance of state authorities; fuel quality control; creation of sufficient economic and political conditions for restoration and modernization of the domestic oil refining industry after armed aggression; control over compliance with legislation on competition regulation; adjustment of the process of formation of fuel reserves.

Practical implications. The hypothesis regarding the high level of monopolization of the market and the significant impact of the war and European integration on the development of the industry, was confirmed.

Originality/value. The value of the study is determined by the fact that the market of light petroleum products plays a significant role in the socio-economic development of Ukraine and ensuring its energy security. However, the prospects for the development of the market of light oil products of Ukraine are currently not defined, because they depend significantly, first of all, on the end of the war and the reconstruction of the country, taking into account the processes of European integration. Accordingly, the topic needs constant systematic and dynamic research.

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