
Modern approaches to the strategic management of human resources at the enterprise

The article examines the essence of strategic management of human resources at the enterprise, carries out a theoretical generalization of key concepts and provisions, analyzes the key tasks, methods and functions of strategic management of human resources.


Purpose – The purpose of this study is to develop a strategy for improving the innovation of domestic industrial enterprises in modern conditions. The basis for solving this problem is a deep retrospective analysis of innovation in Ukraine in terms of investment sources and areas of expenditure on innovation of industrial enterprises.

Methods of public regulation of agrarian holdings’ activities in Ukraine

This article considers theoretical aspects of public regulation of agrarian holdings’ activities in Ukraine through the methods of public regulation. The article examines the influence of the State on holding enterprises in the agrarian sector of Ukraine as on the object of regulation. The necessity of state support for holding enterprises has been scientifically substantiated.

Analysis of the competitiveness of the EU and its member countries

With the convergence of national markets of individual countries and the revival of globalization processes, international competition is growing not only among producers of goods and services, but also among regions and countries. There are a significant number of approaches to the analysis and improvement of countries’ competitiveness. Given Ukraine’s European integration pass, we consider the EU countries to be a key benchmark for its development.

Souvenir Advertising as a Factor of Influence on Consumer Behavior

The influence of various factors on consumer behaviour, controlled and uncontrolled by the firm, is characterized. Describing that all elements of the marketing complex, which are controlled by the enterprise, have special influence on consumers decision to purchase goods.

Analysis of the Global Competitiveness of the EU Countries

There are many approaches to identifying, analyzing and enhancing competitiveness, which is a complex characteristic of regions, countries, industries, enterprises, and commodities. With prospects of Ukraine’s European integration, we consider the EU as a key benchmark for enhancing its global competitiveness.

Competitive intelligence: essence, role, development prospects

In the context of increased globalization and dynamism of markets, competition is an important condition for effective self-regulation of the economy. Competitive forces of the market are the structural elements of the market environment that affect its condition and nature, intensity and level of competition in the market. Market players must constantly analyze the competitive environment in which they operate.

Ukraine in global competitiveness ratings

In the XXI century we re-evaluate the role of human capital, education, science and the knowledge factor in the development of enterprises, regions and countries, as well as the enhancement of the economy / country competitiveness. These factors actualize the problem of defining the concept of “competitiveness of the country”, taking into account all those new meaningful characteristics that it has acquired in recent years within the framework of modern economic science.

Social-culturological aspects of competition

The social-cultural aspects of competition are highlighted as consistent pattern of its evolution. The role of social capital and social values in the competitive environment is emphasized. The accent is made on the refocusing of the key functions of the competition towards socialization. The importance of the development of fair competition, the emerging of the contemporary ethical competencies and culture of market behavior are stressed.

Renovation and aesthetic changes in the interior of the Dormition of the Mother of God сhurch in Lviv, the evolution of its development

Розглянуто еволюцію розвитку архітектурного комплексу церкви Успіння Богородиці (м. Львів). Виявлено основні етапи реноваційно-естетичних змін в інтер’єрному середовищі церкви та заакцентовано на конкурсі 1911 р. по естетичній реконструкції художнього та предметного наповнення церкви за участю відомого львівського монументаліста Модеста Сосенка (1875–1920). Основна ціль дослідження – на прикладі однієї архітектурної пам’ятки виявити історіографію естетично-реноваційних змін, які супроводжують будь яку нерухому пам’ятку протягом певного хронологічного періоду.