: 102-113
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to assess the current state of trade relations between Ukraine and Italy, examining key economic indicators, import and export volumes, and others. Identify the main problems that hinder the development of cooperation between companies selling household appliances with foreign suppliers and focus on eliminating the identified obstacles and develop recommendations for improving trade relations between Ukrainian and Italian companies.

Design/methodology/approach. In the article, the authors used the literature review method to generalize the definition of the concept of "trade relations" and to substantiate the importance of trade relations with international partners and justify their search in Italy, and therefore to substantiate the relevance of the chosen research topic. The main problems and obstacles that make it difficult to establish trade relations between companies selling household appliances, in particular Ukraine and Italy, have been identified. The following research methods are used: analysis, synthesis, generalization, analogy, comparison, systematization.

Findings. It is a proven hypothesis that the establishment of trade relations between enterprises selling household appliances of Ukraine and Italy will contribute to reducing dependence on Asian suppliers, improving the quality of products and service and supply stability, expanding the assortment, as well as expanding access to European markets, innovations and standards. The implementation of the measures proposed in the article will allow: to reduce the currency risk, to optimize the procurement processes at the enterprise, to improve logistics and to carry out more accurate forecasting of the demand for products.

Practical implications. The application of currency risk insurance procedures will reduce currency risk, save financial resources and reduce transaction costs, which in turn will strengthen the business reputation of the trading company in the household appliances market among participants. The use of a letter of credit contributes to the formation of trust relations between subjects of international activity, providing a guarantee of payment for goods, and helps to reduce risks for both subjects. The use of fulfillment contributes to the optimization of logistics processes and the reduction of operating costs of a trading company, etc.

Originality/value. The study of the current state and trends in the field of trade relations of domestic trade enterprises is valuable today for the establishment of trade relations between the enterprises of Ukraine and Italy; involving the fulfillment of the company helps to automate all the logistics stages of the company (optimizes logistics processes and reduces the operating costs of the enterprise); the use of technologies (trend analysis, the method of expert assessments, market research analysis, statistical analysis, machine learning and other forecasting methods make it possible to predict the demand for the products of trading enterprises on the domestic market during the war and make more informed decisions); proposed product demand forecasting process (allows companies to search and verify all collected data based on the selection of the optimal demand forecasting model).

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