The features of calculation of economic efficiency of modernization projects of production and technical base and implementation of some technical measures at a motor transport enterprise are presented in the article. This calculation is based on level of transportations profitability and tailored to the features of a motor transport enterprise – reduction of rolling stock’s downtime in technical servicing and current repair. This will help to increase the coefficient of the use of cars on a line and that is the main factor in the increase in traffic volumes and consequently profits of the enterprise. The economic efficiency from implementation in the technological process of technical servicing and current repair of new technical means is expected due to reduction of duration of downtime during technical servicing and current repair (including by reducing the number of repairs).
At planning of additional volumes of transportations is needed to count the prime price of transportations and tariffs on them. In this case, at the calculation of tariffs is necessary to take into account the planned level of net profitability that is accepted on a motor transport enterprise at the calculation of transport-financial plan on a current period.
As a result of the research are done conclusions and recommendations. Are proposed mathematical models for evaluation of the efficiency in modernization projects of production and technical base of a motor transport enterprise due to reduction downtime of rolling stock's in technical servicing and current repair and increased the coefficient of release vehicles on the line. For successful economic activity of the enterprise importance is the continuous systematic accounting of productive and unproductive expenses. These data will be a statistical base for the operative evaluation of expediency of introduction of modernization projects of production and technical base of a motor transport enterprises and calculations of their efficiency. The choice of certain criteria for a conclusion about the efficiency of project is depends on various factors - real market prospect, existence of limits on resources for financing of project, fluctuations in cash flow, profit opportunities etc. Thus, in the case of one-time capital investments and also incomes for a certain time, the evaluation of efficiency investments appropriate conduct by determining their payback period with considering the time factor.
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