In this work the market segment of express cargo delivery and the following problems of its development in Ukraine are researched: topicality and factors of express freight development; basic structural indicators of businesses in transporting, warehousing, postal and courier activities; volume and structure of services provided by enterprises of mail and communications; the level of income of companies providing post and communication services etc. The problems of the express freight and recommendations for improvement of their activities (implementing methods of non-price competition, further deepening specialization / diversification (depending on the conditions of development) and the application of progressive forms of customer service, taking into account the complexity of the supply factors, the amount of additional services, direct long-term bonds). The following factors promoting the activities of express delivery service providers (technical and technological) are considered: cargo route optimization, improvement of processing and transportation systems, mechanization and automation in manufacturing, the use of modern information and communication technologies. The considered organizational factors are: improvement of organizational management structures and redistribution of functional responsibilities, improvement of production and labor. Among economic factors there are: harmonization and standardization of existing services on the basis of structuring service quality indicators and quantitative determination of parameters, establishment of regulatory quality levels of forwarding cargoes, economic incentives to ensure the provision of high quality services).
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