Andriy Mykhailovych Shulyar

Lviv's life of the twentieth century impossible to imagine without a bright personality Andriy Mykhailovych Shulyar. In his figure, the difficult fate of the Ukrainian Galician intelligentsia, which came out of the peasant's line at the beginning of the 20th century, was a thirst for knowledge and a disinterested desire to bring good to its people, defended its interests in all occupation regimes and in Soviet times, and eventually reached its the goal, creating the Ukrainian independent state at the dawn of the XXI century.

Andriy Mykhailovych was the chairman of the State Examination Commission in such a distant and so recent 1975, when I defended my diploma of an architect in Lviv Polytechnic. But in fact, I met him during creative discussions and discussions of various projects at the technical councils in the management of the architecture of the Lviv regional executive committee, which he headed more than a quarter of a century. I was always impressed with his professionalism, architectural and political talent, which helped him to defend the interests of the region and the city at all administrative levels, without compromising on high architectural principles. The fact that we today have preserved Lviv and the architectural monuments of the region, that we did not dissolve our region and its nature in the faceless unification of mass development of the era of the Soviet industrialization of Galicia, the great merit of Andriy Mykhailovych Shular.

Bohdan CHERKES, Dr. Arh., Professor


Andriy Mykhailovych Shulyar

15.12.1918р. (Maydan village, Ivano-Frankivsk region) – 20.07.2010 р. (Lviv)

Honored Architect of Ukraine, Laureate of the State Prize named after T. Shevchenko

1936 - 1939 – Student in Krakow Institute of Art, Department of Interior Architecture

1939 - 1942 – Teacher, director of Ukrainian Schools at Pidliashshia (now in Poland))

1942 - 1947 – Student in Lviv Polytechnic Institute, graduated with honours, got qualification Engineer-Architect

1947 - 1953 – architect in State Project Institute of Civil and Industry Building in Lviv, later in Lviv oblproject

1953 - 1980 – Chief of Department of Architecture of Lviv Regional Executive Committee

1953 – membership in Union of Architects of Ukraine

1957 - 1996 – member of the Board of Lviv branch of Union of Architects of Ukraine

1961 - 1980 – member of the Board of Union of Architects of USSR and of the Board of Union of Architects of Ukraine

1980 - 1990 – mandatory by the Board of Union of Architects of USSR in rebuilding and restoration of the castle in Svirzh village

1981 – Laureate of the Prize of Councile of Ministers of USSR

1991 - 1997 – mandatory by the Board of Union of Architects of Ukraine in rebuilding and restoration of the castle in Svirzh village

1994 – Honoured member of the Ukrainian Academy of Architecture

1997 – Director of Administration of House of Creativity “Svirzh” of National Union of Architects of Ukraine