Paradigm of the contemporary philosophical anthropology: essential tendencies of transformations

: pp.85-90
Received: September 02, 2015
Accepted: October 12, 2015

Victor Petrushenko

Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article argues that it is necessary to make a revision of the philosophical anthropology traditional paradigm which was developed by M. Sheler and his followers in the early twentieth century. The main components of this paradigm are as following: examination of a human being in the dimension of cosmic space, comparison of a Man and other types of being, a comprehensive analysis of his manifestations and characteristics, striving to find the main feature that defines human essence, the presence of the exalted relation to a person. Basing on a number of new modern sciences about man, as well as on publications in the field of philosophical anthropology, a number of new manifestations of a Man and approaches to their understanding are investigated. The author considers the shortcomings of traditional research in the field of philosophical anthropology since these new lines of research are almost never mentioned and are not used. The article discusses in detail the following new approaches to the notion of a Man: (1) the rehabilitation of the natural principles of human; here we are talking about the situation that now a series of human qualities and manifestations are recognized as inborn basic anthropic characteristics of a Man; (2) increasing ascendancy of social institutions and technologies over the human, active manipulation of the Self and transforming it into an agent of social processes; (3) rejection from spiritual aspirations and preference of utilitarian orientation of a Man; (4) tendencies that are referred to the notion «posthuman» and which assume a gradual erosion of both natural and social qualities of the human. These new manifestations of a Man are opposed to their classic characteristics and are considered in the article in their both peculiarities and interaction. In the article, the author uses methods of comparison and hermeneutic analysis.

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