United nations security council under modern conditions: on the problem of reform options search

: pp.19-26
Received: August 25, 2015
Accepted: October 05, 2015

Lesya Dorosh, Stanislav Okhremchuk

Lviv Polytechnic National University

The authors review activities of the United Nations Security Council as a guarantor of international peace and security with broad powers to influence infringers of the international law (the right to apply sanctions and use military force against violators of peace and security at one’s own discretion). The article states that at the end of the 20th – beginning of the 21st century, the UN Security Council was powerless to perform its functions and duties to safeguard international peace and security, as well as to resolve a number of large-scale armed conflicts. Therefore, the need to find mechanisms of the UN Security Council reform in order to enhance its effectiveness is proven. The work analyzes options of the UN Security Council reform which member-states of the United Nations started to apply actively in the early 1990s. The proposals of the member states that encompass three key issues (change of the composition of the UN Security Council, reform of the veto right and change of non-transparent working methods of the Security Council) are compared. On the basis of the analysis of the Security Council decision-making mechanism, it is stated that increase in the effectiveness of the UN Security Council can be achieved only by means of the veto right reform. It was found that the main obstacle in the reform of veto is the need to persuade five permanent members to limit themselves in the use of the instrument which allows them to influence the entire international system. Therefore, it is unlikely that these states will give their consent to such a reform. The article proves that further existence of the United Nations and the future of the international security system depend on current initiatives for reformation of the UN Security Council as a key body in the field of peace and security. In this context, further study of opportunities and options for reformation of the UN Security Council taking into account the position of Ukraine, which became a victim of the aggressor, a permanent member of this structure, is considered to be promising, including detailed research of proposals for reforming the UN Security Council submitted by official representatives of Ukraine, as well as analysts and publicists.

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