Judicial reform in Ukraine: european integration approaches

: 51-65

Klym O. "Judicial reform in Ukraine: european integration approaches."

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

The article is devoted to the study of the need to reform the judiciary in Ukraine as an opportunity for further European integration of the state.

An analysis of the stages of reform that took place from 1991 to 2015 to date and highlights their positive and negative consequences.

To clearly understand the research topic, a distinction was made between the concepts of "reform", "reform", "judiciary", "judiciary", "judiciary" and "judicial system", using the rules of current legislation and different views of scholars.

The current problems of the judiciary in Ukraine are outlined and ways to solve them are proposed in order to identify opportunities for further reform.

Approaches to overcoming them are formed on the basis of scientific doctrine, as well as the experience of European countries.

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