The problem of justification of positive existential judgment

: 99-104
Received: October 26, 2016
Accepted: November 29, 2016
Lviv National Polytechnic University

The topic of investigation in the given article is a traditional problem of philosophy: it is a problem of evidence about true reality’s existence out of consciousness and, correspondingly, the true character of positive existential judgments. The author argues that circumstantial epistemological analysis of knowledge as a form of being’s representation to  consciousness allows us to insert new aspects and factors in the philosophical intelligence of given problem. These factors are not fixed by most philosophers while they explain different relations between mental constructions and something can be recognised as something transcendental towards them. To prove this position, the author proposes to make difference not only between mechanisms of sensitive and intellectual acts but also, basically different roles of these mechanisms in the creation of knowledge and ability of correspondence between consciousness and reality. The author analyses different contexts of sensuality activity manifestation in its epistemological functions. The basic peculiarities of intellectual acts in their correlations with sense activity and relations between sensuality activity and reality are analysed as well.

We have the idea that neither sensuality nor intellectual acts if taken separately, do not provide a reliable connection between consciousness and reality. They mutually control one another and, finally, only structures of experience provide reliable character relations between consciousness and reality.

The methods of logical intelligence and historical and philosophical comparison are used in the research. The article offers prospects for further study of cognition and human relation to the reality.

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