Labor Migration from Ukraine to Poland: Regulatory Framework, Key Issues and Challenges (Research Article)

: 17-24
Received: February 21, 2021
Accepted: April 21, 2021
Lviv National Polytechnic University
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article deals with the conceptions of the international migration, focusing on the most relevant strategies in terms of migrant workers adaptation. The authors analyse the following conceptions: the “Pull/Push” theory, Adaptation (acculturation) Strategy, Relative Inequality Theory of Migration, the Human Capital Theory. Legal framework of Ukraine and Poland in the sphere of labor migration regulation, including set of legal acts, adopted by both countries in order to minimize possible negative outcomes caused by evolving migration flows have been analyzed. The main “pushing” migration factors of the donor countries and “pulling” factors of the recipients are clarified. The main motive for migrating to Poland is to form a so-called "airbag" for their families in Ukraine. The point is that thanks to remittances, clothes, food, etc., Ukrainian labor migrants form a sense of confidence in the future of their family members in the “era of poverty”, which is identified with the Ukrainian state. The positive and negative consequences of the migration flows intensification of Ukrainian workers for both Ukraine and Poland are highlighted. Future scenarios for modeling migration flows are shaped, namely: optimistic, pessimistic, and realistic and the Covid-19 migration pattern. Recommendations for strengthening the effectiveness of Ukrainian-Polish cooperation in solving of the labor migration problems are suggested. The assessment of the trends of current migration policy of Warsaw has been carried out in accordance with multilateral MIPEX Index. Thus, migration policy is assessing as the “equality in the paper” and is rating lower (40/100 points) than average indicator among EU-countries. The conclusions assert that migration policy should be based on the principle of “tripartism” and serve the donor state, the recipient state and the migrants themselves. 

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