Information service for ratings of commercial content

: pp. 78-89
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Information Systems and Network
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Information Systems and Network
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Information Systems and Network
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Information Systems and Network Department

The article critically analyzes four methods of evaluating the rating of commercial content of the Internet service, namely: "Just plus"; "Plus / Minus"; "Star"; "Combined". The basis of the development of the information service model is the "Star" method, since it provides a detailed evaluation with a fixed scale of values. The mathematical support of the "Star" method for calculating the content rating has been constructed and optimized. The basis of the method is the formula of the arithmetic average, weighted, taking into account the average number of votes and the average rating of all electronic documents. In order to influence the rating, the control parameter k is entered. Two uncontrolled parameters are added: the number of sales and downloads that affect the actual content rating. In order to get rid of the rating dependence between the different categories and because the rating value went beyond the 5-star rating, the rating was scaled for the content, taking into account the maximum rating in the relevant category in the 5-star interval. The relationship between content rating and merchant profits and service has been introduced. The task of calculating a commission for the sale of content, depending on its rating, is to motivate sellers to increase some content, thus the service will increase the rating of this content. The purpose of content rating is to increase the number of sales by constructing plausible rating lists. Software for project was developed The web - service quickly and simply selling and creating
commercial content. Examples of ranking and software demonstration are given. Further research will focus on the development and improvement of the intellectual component, which will reduce the subjective impact on the value of the controlling parameter k.

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