Ranking factors online resources search engine Google

: pp. 3 - 10

Taras Basyuk, Andrii Vasyluk

Information Systems and Networks Department, Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12, S. Bandery Str., Lviv,
79013, UKRAINE

The paper describes the main factors influencing the design features of high rating resources according to the algorithms search engine Google. The analysis of known technologies and methods of evaluating online resources has been conducted, that made it possible to identify the factors that are the most important in the process of resource building. The methods for the resource history evaluation (archive.org), for determining sanctions imposed on a separate website (Google Panda, Google Penguin), methods for increasing download speed from remote locations and reducing Web access time (Sitespeed), the structure of external links (LinkPad) and keyword selection (Google Adwords Keyword Planner Tool) have been provided.

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