Virtual communities become an extremely popular phenomenon, and every day their number becomes larger, develop existing community. Rapid development gain communities formed around universities. Mainly this is the student community, designed for the exchange of abstracts, of course, information about organization of educational process, reviews about the teachers. Unfortunately, less community representation of the university on the Internet.
The life cycle is the foundation of creation and functioning of virtual communities. The life cycle reflects the phases since the decision point about creating a virtual community and to complete its liquidation. The article analyzes and describes the features of the existing life cycles related life cycles of virtual communities, namely: the life cycle of the software – the virtual community should consider how the software product; websites life cycle – considering virtual community as an information system; the life cycle of the investment project – virtual community has the characteristics of commercial or investment project; life cycle marketing and managementsm products – taking into account the needs of marketing and management in the management of a virtual community.
Based on the results of the analysis highlighted 10 steps, namely: planning, analysis, design, development, testing, implementation, operation, comprehensive verification, preservation and liquidation. For the qualitative decision to transition between stages the life cycle of a virtual community includes 4 checks, such as: verifying the implementation phase of the integrated verification, emergency engineering, the decision-making process about the conservation project and the decision-making process on the feasibility of restoring a virtual community. Also for the effective development and functioning of the life cycle of virtual communities introduced four areas: user, information, resource, reputation. Description of the stages and directions of the organization of the life cycle of a virtual community implemented on the example of the student communities of university.
Planning is the first step in which is formed the idea of creating a specific product or project. At the planning stage of a virtual community, there is a preliminary problem statement in the creation, launch and management. Analysis – in the product life cycle and the investment project the main focus at this stage is to analyze the competitiveness in the market. During the creation of a student community of the UNIVERSITY stage involves the analysis of potential participants, resources for creating and primary content. Design – in software development this stage is used to describe works and algorithms to create programs, using approaches of design. Development – this stage includes the translation of an algorithm created in the previous step in the program, using programming languages. The testing phase includes the search for and correction of errors. Implementation (pilot operation) – run ready money, product or project in free use. Operation (stationary operation) – development, support and management. A comprehensive validation is an external process, during which the specification corresponds to all the standards and goals already established and functioning such that the virtual community. Preservation of a virtual community – this stage is applied in the case of a positive decision about the preservation of the virtual community.
In the future plans to detail the description and operation stages of the life cycle of virtual communities. As a result of the proposed stages and directions of virtual communities the structure of the organization life cycle should be viewed as a matrix. Therefore planned based on the relationship between two categories (steps and referrals) to consider the demands of the structure of the cell.
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