The concept of the title series was created in 2015 with the launch of a new field of study, journalism, and social communication, at the then Institute of Polish Philology of the University of Rzeszów (currently the Institute of Polish Studies and Journalism). In the same academic year, on the initiative of the employees of the Department of Communication Pragmatics – headed by Professor Grażyna Filip – Student Journalists’ Club (a research club operating at the Institute of Polish Philology of the University of Rzeszów, created thanks to the idea and experience of the Podkarpacie journalist and writer – Henryk Nicpoń) on April 6, 2016, organized the 1st International Scientific Conference of Students and Doctoral Students «Young Journalism». As a result, the series included five conferences, which enabled both an international exchange of scientific ideas and a debate on professional expectations, and the fruit of each conference was a volume entitled Journalism Adepts about Journalism. Young journalism 1–5 (2016–2022). The sessions enjoyed great interest among the students and the proceedings created opportunities for substantive discussion and informal conversations on the topics raised by the speakers. The novelty of this article deserves to be appreciated is the development of an individual concept of reforming the current state of education The observations made constitute a form of documentation of the current times, and in the future they may serve as comparative material in further research in this field because the observation and analysis of social life phenomena is an indispensable element of the work of scientists.
1. Filip, G., Patro-Kucab, M., & Słabczyński, R. (2017). Adepci dziennikarstwa o dziennikarstwie. Młode dziennikarstwo 1. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, p. 205.
2. Filip, G., Bożek, M., & Słabczyński, R. (2018). Adepci dziennikarstwa o dziennikarstwie. Młode dziennikarstwo 2. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, p. 215.
3. Bożek, M., & Słabczyński, R. (2020). Adepci dziennikarstwa o dziennikarstwie. Młode dziennikarstwo 3. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, p. 230.
4. Filip, G., Majchrowska, J., & Bożek, M. (2021). Adepci dziennikarstwa o dziennikarstwie. Młode dziennikarstwo 4. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, p. 254.
5. Filip, G., & Majchrowska, J. (2022). Adepci dziennikarstwa o dziennikarstwie. Młode dziennikarstwo 5. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, p. 251.
6. Kamińska, M. (2011). Niecne memy. 12 wykładów o kulturze internetu. Poznań.Filip G., Patro-Kucab M., Słabczyński R., 2017, Adepci dziennikarstwa o dziennikarstwie. Młode dziennikarstwo 1, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, Rzeszów, p. 205.