Souvenir Advertising as a Factor of Influence on Consumer Behavior

: pp. 119 - 126
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Ukrainian Academy of Printing

The influence of various factors on consumer behaviour, controlled and uncontrolled by the firm, is characterized. Describing that all elements of the marketing complex, which are controlled by the enterprise, have special influence on consumers decision to purchase goods.

One of the most paramount elements that an organization unable to do well without is efficacious marketing communications, which today have a particularly strong impact on the relationship between business and consumer. Showing the influence of psychological factors on the consumer ’s behaviour, which the enterprise cannot control. The influence of emotional motives, in particular the motive of joy and high spirits, is especially accentuated. Substantiating the necessity of using souvenir advertising as advertising that provides influence on the consumer through emotional motives.

The main categories of souvenirs are considered in detail, which include three main groups: promotional souvenirs (small souvenirs intended for customers), business souvenirs (souvenirs intended for employees), VIP-souvenirs (expensive gifts with the company logo intended for VIP -persons).

The main advantages of souvenir advertising are described, including a long period of advertising for the consumer, low souvenir price and unconventional advertising, which makes you pay attention and has positive impact on the consumer. The structure of the receipt of souvenirs on Ukrainian market is given.

The technologies of image application on souvenirs are systematized, the main of which are silk- screen printing, pad printing, sublimation, embossing, risography, decal, laser engraving and computer embroidery.

According to the results of the survey of consumers at gas stations in Lviv region, a comparative table of additional service of gas stations was composed.

Describing the benefits of using loyalty programs for most of the gas stations. The necessity of using souvenir advertising at gas stations is argued.

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