: 45 - 52
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка

The use of social networks as an information source in journalistic work is considered. Recently, sites such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram have become part of the traditional sources for journalists to obtain material about current events, the public’s assessments and opinions, government activity, etc. At present, social networks are integrated into the ordinary professional practice of collecting news and facts, which means including them into the structure of sources for journalistic work. The modern media rely on them to meet the ever-increasing demand for information, as well as to benefit their advantages like convenience, efficiency, ubiquity and popularity.

Considerable attention is paid to the journalists’ use of material from official pages of statebodies and government officials’ personal accounts on social networks. As the authorities have the powers and resources and determine the ways of development of the state and society, they are one of the key communicators influencing the formation of the media agenda. Therefore, their engagement on social platforms provides journalists with the access to socially important information.

Social networks, due to their usual bidirectional communication, can also help establish and maintain contacts with people and structures – organizers, participants or witnesses of events. Moreover, it is also an opportunity to learn about many different views, get starting ideas and tips from users for forthcoming publications and topics.

Collecting information from social networks is directly related to the main identifying characteristics of the journalistic profession and compliance with the basic journalistic standards: objectivity, reliability, unbiasedness, and balance. Without exaggerating the importance of social platforms in the journalistic context, it should be noted, however, that they expand opportunities for the profession. Proper use of social networks helps journalists to create quality content; they are a relatively new tool for traditional journalism, which is to inform about events of socio-political and other spheres of state and society’s life.

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