The paper identifies key interpretation of convergence; on the basis of their analysis are systematized and tendencies within the meaning of the term and its dynamics of social communication; cross-media understanding is proposed as the implementation process of media convergence trends. The author notes that the media industry is changing rapidly and facing the development and combination of different media formats. According to the author, these changes pose researchers new scientific issues related to draft new or clarifying traditional terminological toolkit. Particular attention is drawn and require broader definitions of scientific concepts and cross-media convergence. The article refers to the interconnectedness of both terms and their understanding of the changes in the context of journalistic profession and media market in general. In the article the basic concepts, categories, content, signs of convergence are summarizes; understanding of the impact of convergence on the development of new cross-media formats are systematized. As author demonstrates, convergence and cross-media are able to save print media from closing and thus solve the economic and strategic problem of traditional editorial policy, which is important both for journalists, media market and the media audience. A researcher codifies existing interpretation of convergence and cross-media; argues that the current development of information technology does not result in the absorption of the traditional type of new media, and vice versa – merge functions and technological opportunities of all types of media; traces convergence at strategy and global business model, technological level, at the level of organizational culture, opera-tional processes, marketing and relationship with the consumer. It brings understanding of cross-media as a cross-application technology implementation process of selling media content across platforms. Author convinced that in view of the fact that convergence is the process of developing, within different media companies it will have its individual expression. It will form terminological toolkit of convergence and cross-media and it will be the most refined practice of mass media activities. Many cross-media platforms, cross-media information flows determined, which definitions enters this process in the future. Key words: convergence, cross-media, media.
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