National Self-Identification as the Regregor of the Implementation of the Creative Person: Media Context

: 148-159
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

The main stages of creation and realization of self-identified personality (gender identity, racial identity, class, ethnic, national, state) are considered in the article, where national identity is most closely connected with ethnoculture, because technoculture is non-national with attraction to globalization, because at the beginning of the XXI century it covered all spheres of public life of practically all the peoples of the world, forming a planetary information space, the world capital market, labor force, cosmopolitanizing culture, unification by understanding the identity markers, widening, tearing apart, really destroying the boundaries of national traditional self-identification, ostensibly expanding the possibility of finding one’s “place in society”, as in the Soviet Union, putting the Idea for God, formed from a nation, a single nation: had to live under communism. The self-identification egregors that are realized in socio-national coordinates are investigated: self-identification in pedagogical communication (teacher-student, student-teacher), professional self-identification, personality behavior in borderline (crisis) states, in defeats, overcoming national traumas, self- identification in elections, formation of personality stress resistance to manipulative actions of the media, participation in shaping the linguistic situation in the country. The stages of unity of the personality-realizing person and the state nation are analyzed: interconnected and unobtrusive awakening and rise of national consciousness (language, ethnic customs, traditions, basic modern cultural-civilizational stereotypes) intuitively-rational development of practical mechanisms for implementing the system of national institutions of civil society and ensuring them from the loss of dynamic equilibrium; it is also about quasi-national identification: the conscious concealment of ex-communists by their national slogans, embroidered shirts as attributes of the national, etc., the realization of personality during the war (even when war is civil or religious), self-identification through distinctly active differentiation, concentrates the unrealized energy of the nation in the practical spheres of activity, about the author’s experience of national self-identification as a journalist and poet.

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