Influence press second half of xix – the first third of the twentieth century in the formation of the new structure, national conscious citizen

Lviv Polytechnic National University

Printed publications professional-business partnerships kept the focus issues that contributed to the formation of national identity, consolidating the nation to Ukrainian Galicia realized – he and his European place among the European nations. A characteristic feature of publications on this subject was an appeal to the individual, not to the readership. That wording thus lifted role of the individual, his personality, not some abstract collective team. Therefore honor of the nation, its greatness considered in most publications as the honor and dignity of every person.

Many efforts editorial teams gave to readers understood and cared need for consolidation of the nation at all levels – from the village and the state. This was important because the Polish government tried various means to distract from their Ukrainian civic and professional associations, to bring to the front anti-Ukrainian Jews of Galicia. In this context, the wording were active in promoting the sloganOwn your for his. However, in the press explained that national dignity has nothing to do with selfishness, often because its pages were calls to help those who suffered from various natural disasters. Striking evidence of understanding of national unity by appeals and concrete help Ukrainian, who suffered from an artificial famine organized by Bolshevik Russia occupied their territory.

Many publications was devoted to various historical events, heroes of the national liberation struggle, Sich Riflemen. Editorial and bothered about the fate of the Ukrainian language, calling people to appreciate clothing that is also a sign of the nation.

At the same time, press reports explained that national dignity had nothing to do with selfishness, therefore, often from its pages there were calls to help those who suffered from various natural disasters.

1. Vytanovych I. Istoriya ukrayinskoho kooperatyvnoho rukhu / Illya Vytanovych. Nyu-York:
TUK – Tovarystvo Ukrayins
koyi Kooperatsiyi, 1964. – 624 s.

2. Zlupko S. Na chatakh ridnoyi zemli / Stepan Zlupko. – Lviv: LNU im. I. Franka, 1999. – 284 s.

3. Dyachenko M. Osobysta chest / Mykhaylo Dyachenko // Khliborobska molod. – 1939. – #4.

4. Dyachenko M. Berezhy chesty svoyeyi natsiyi! / Mykhaylo Dyachenko // Khliborobska molod. – 1939. – #5.

5. Mayakovskyy V. Yzbrannыe poэzyy / Vladymyr Mayakovskyy. – M. : Sovet·skyy pysatel, 1997. – 278 s.

6. Khraplyvyy Ye. Hurtuymosya – ne rozyednuymosya! / Ye Khraplyvyy // Silskyy hospodar. – 1932. – #4.

7. Nechay S. Dlya zahalnoho dobra / Semen Nechay // Hospodarsko-kooperatyvnyy chasopys. – 1935. – #5.

8. Do nashykh vp. spivrobitnykiv // Hospodarska chasopys. – 1918. – #9.

9. Yak dalshe borotysya? : Orhanizuyte byura pravnoyi porady i selyanskoyi oborony pry filiyakh Silskoho hospodarya // Silskyy hospodar. – 1932.  #22.

10. Pocheptsov H. Kontrol nad rozumom / Heorhiy Pocheptsov. – K.: Vydavnychyy dim Kyyevo-Mohylyanska akademiya, 2912. – 350 s.

11. Khraplyvyy Ye. Ne tudy shlyakh nashym hospodaryam! /
Ye. Khraplyvyy // Sil
skyy hospodar. – 1929. – # 4/5.

12. Patsyfikatsiya // Dilo. – 1930. – 3 zhovt.
13. Malyk Ya. Nyzhnya Lypytsya vid naydavnishykh chasiv do s
ohodennya: Naukovo-populyarnyy narys istoriyi / Yaroslav Malyk. – Lviv: Spolom, 2014. – 372 s.

14. Vlom do kooperatyvy // Hospodarsko-kooperatyvnyy chasopys. – 1935. – #11.

15. Dekaylo M. Nash kapital tse klych Sviy do svoho / Mykola Dekaylo // Hospodarsko-kooperatyvnyy chasopys. – 1934. – #6.

16. Berezhim prava ridnoyi movy // Hospodarsko-kooperatyvnyy chasopys. – 1935. – #5.

17. Komarynets A. Vyplyuymo buryany z ridnoyi movy / A. Komarynets // Khliborobska molod. – 1939. – #3.

18. Horishnyy V. Platva / V. Horishnyy // Kooperatyvna rodyna. – 1935. – #1.

19. Shanuymo narodnyy odyah // Khliborobska molod. – 1935. – #4.

20. Ne zakydaymo svoho / Kooperatyvna rodyna. – 1935. – #4.