Tools of information against war in Ukraine

Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article examines the types of tasks and tools of information warfare, and Internet media demonstrated that recourse to the so-called special distribution of information that is intended to influence the behavior and mentality of the population. In addition, analysis of the consequences of information war as they are misleading and hostile society set up against those who focused on specific information.

Analyzing a number of online media that are participants in the information war on the Russian side, one can see that their activities are based on common false information, the so-called “fake”, which is designed to misinform both the Ukrainian population and Russian. Such a policy of the Russian authorities aims at bringing about distrust of Ukrainian government and society, seeking the slightest reason to muddy the state against which it conducts aggression.

On the Internet you can find many sites that distribute false information concerning Ukraine and the conflict with Russia. The newly created separatist Internet media are intended to misinform, first of all, the population of the occupied territories in the activities of the Ukrainian government and the army, and in the second – Ukrainian society to reduce their moral spirit and spread fear, panic and distrust of the actions of those who are trying to defend integrity, independence , unity and statehood of Ukraine. The spread of pseudo-newborns and manipulation of public opinion are the main instruments of influence on people. Manipulating the audience for information warfare is now one of the most dangerous and unpredictable weapons, its use can lead to real armed conflicts.

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