Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

In the article the concept of information warfare is analyzed, it is also done comparative analysis of definitions of information warfare and information confrontation, the features and essence of these concepts are determined. Based on the analysis of 63 publications in Russian 70 Internet media of different directions, it was concluded that the media in these media had a negative attitude to the events in Ukraine and the general themes of the materials, and their ideological orientation has not changed for today. During the study, we came to the conclusion that the concept of information confrontation is wider and includes the concept of information warfare as one of its two components. Researchers claim that it is possible to distinguish between information and technical and informational and psychological components of information confrontation. Media uses propaganda and misinformation, among which the method of distorted interpretation of facts, the provision of information without source, the hidden source of information, etc. is especially popular. Sometimes the channels of information dissemination used by the Ukrainian side on the Internet are attacked by hackers. It temporarily suspends the activities of the media, which leads to the loss of the audience and the loss of the ability to submit information operatively. Russian media compete with Ukrainians for a larger segment of the audience to gain dominance in the information sphere. After all, a larger number of audiences contributes to victory in the information warfare. As to the practical component, the materials of Russian Internet publications most often covered the issues: the activities of the Armed Forces, cultural and historical achievements, the current Ukrainian political regime, Ukraine’s cooperation with the EU, the US and NATO, reforms in Ukrainian society, life in the occupied territories and annexed Crimea, an ideology inherent in Ukrainian society, events in the ATO zone, corruption in Ukraine.

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