Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Beginning in 2014, the occupied Crimea is undergoing change both in the political-legal sphere and in the information. The mass media are most affected by the harassment of the new government. The mass media was forced to immediately change the registration and start acting in the interests of the Kremlin. In the event of a refusal, the editions, radio stations and TV channels were closed, searched and seized of all the materials produced. Journalists were threatened and persecuted. The authorities of the Russian Federation are trying to «clean» the entire Ukrainian information space that remains on the territory of the peninsula in every possible way. After closing channels and blocking sites, the board of directors is trying to launch its own alternative media.

The author notes that the emergence of problems in the information space of Crimea since the beginning of the Ukrainian Independence was inspired by the interests and influence of the Russian Federation. After the so-called referendum on the independence of the Crimea from Ukraine, all media activists became the property of an aggressor country, as well as a gap in ties with the Ukrainian media space. Today, the oppression of freedom of speech, the right to vote and free expression of opinions, the blocking of the Ukrainian media, which directly or indirectly informed the people of the peninsula, were added to this. "Clearing" of the Ukrainian information space was through the re-registration of the media under the legislation of the Russian Federation. With this, the occupiers closed the media, who did not agree to change their editorial policy. Inappropriate Crimean TV channels and radio stations were disconnected, searches were carried out in the editorial offices, and journalists faced persecution and threats, prompting international organizations Amnesty International and Freedom House to condemn repressive media methods in the Crimea.

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