The article determines the psychological impact of newspaper headlines as a hidden, unconscious change in attitudes, intentions, perceptions, and ratings of readers. The essence of the psychological impact of the newspaper headline is the penetration into the psyche of recipients to read the materials of the newspaper, its acquisition, change of views, motives and attitudes. The factors of psychological influence of the headlines of Lviv newspapers on their readers are analyzed and systematized: functions, means, methods, techniques, effects for the unconscious, latent change of thoughts, attitudes, views of the recipients, subordination of their emotions, feelings and material goals.
The psychological impact of the factors has been found to be effective if it overcomes the readers’ protective psychological filters: the security filter, the interest filter, and the intimacy filter. The main purpose of psychological filters is to protect the core of the individual. The psychological impact of newspaper headlines that overcomes all three filters has the highest level of effectiveness in the psychological impact of the newspaper headline. The essence of functions, differences between means, methods, techniques, effects of psychological influence of newspaper headline are revealed. The factors of psychological influence on the recipients are shown on the examples of the headlines of Lviv newspapers “Vysokyy Zamok, “Ekspres”, “Ratusha” 2019–2020.
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