Neologisms in Mass Media Language (Using the Examples of Internet Version of Newspaper “Den’”)

: 205-210
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The relevance of research on neologisms on the pages of online publications today is determined by the large number and frequency of its use. On the one hand, it is a positive phenomenon that demonstrates integration into European society. On the other hand, overuse of neologisms in the texts of the mass media, without properly explaining their meaning, leads to misunderstanding of the material. Not every reader understands the meaning of neologism used in the text. In particular, this applies to the older generation, not all of whom speak a foreign language or are precisely guided in the processes of scientific and technological progress. Therefore, there is misrepresentation in the audience.

In this article examines the history of the study of neologisms, analyzes the interpretation of the concept of “neologism” of various researchers, and finds out that one of the main sources of distribution of neologisms is the media.

Having analyzed a lot of works on the stated subject, it can be stated that it is extremely important for modern journalists to keep a balance in the use of various new verbal means and specific Ukrainian analogs. After all, the excess of lexical innovation violates the main task of journalism — accessible to inform population.

In this article it is also analyzed journalistic texts of the internet version of newspaper “Den’”, which is popular with readers and actively uses neologisms in its texts. Based on the analysis of the materials of these edition, thematic groups of tumors were distinguished. For each neologism discovered Ukrainian analogs.

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