In the article interpretation of category is considered "economic instrument" in encyclopedic,
explanatory and scientific literature, on the basis of what her essence is specified in the context of
instruments of economic character, that provide the change of parameters of enterprise functioning.
The characteristic signs of economic instruments, that is related to their effectiveness, providing of
changes, are distinguished, motivation or by retentive character. On the basis of literary sources
analysis for the problem by typology of economic instruments is worked out after the row of
substantial and independent signs, namely: on maintenance, after purposefulness of the use (havinga
special purpose, immanent), by the nature of influence (levers of direct influence, levers of the
mediated influence), after the environment of forming (levers, that influence on activity of enterprise
froman environment, levers, that influence on activity of enterprise fromthe internal environment of functioning), after direction of influence (motivation levers, brake levers), after the level of forming
(levers of macroeconomic level, levers of mezoeconomic level, levers of microeconomic level), after
force of influence (levers of strong influence, levers of middle influence, levers of weak influence),
after a scope influence (complex levers, local levers), after the display of effectiveness of action of
levers (levers the action of that shows up in a long-term period, levers the action of that shows up ina
medium-term period, levers the action of that shows up in a short-term period), after the sphere of
influence (levers are able to operate on an enterprise on a productive, sale, logistic, finance-economic,
technologically-designer sphere and others like that).
On the basis of the executed researches the key whole uses of economic instruments of
influence are specified on enterprises on a macrolevel, it is reckoned to that: providing of
intensive, progressive development of enterprise; a leadingout of enterprise is from the crisis
state; introduction and development are on the enterprise of innovations; bringing in of
outsourcing of financing; expansion of market share; providing of economy of resources;
providing of the having a special purpose use of resources of enterprise; conditioning is for
development of skilled and technological potential; providing of economic and financial
stability of functioning of enterprises; increase of financial effectiveness of functioning;
improvement of financial discipline and solvency; providing of increase of business activity of
enterprise; activation of organizational changes of technological, social, administrative character; increase of market value of enterprise; an increase of competitiveness of enterprise
is at the market; warning of bankruptcy; realization of sanation events; forming of economic
security; activation of foreign economic activity; optimization of charges and others like that.
Also outlined aims of economic instruments of influence on enterprises ona macrolevel anda
mezolevel of national economy.