Development of innovation – technological infrastructure in the region: theoretical – methodological aspect

: pp. 77 - 87
National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine
National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Innovative infrastructure is an effective model of interaction of science, creation of innovations and production, a link between the developer and the consumer of innovation. The lack or weakness of innovation infrastructure creates a dangerous situation for both the country and the region.

An analysis of the development of national innovation systems in foreign countries was carried out and a variety of organizational forms and types of production-technological innovation structures were distinguished.

It is proved that the Ukrainian model of the functioning of the technology park should meet the following requirements: the technology park should include a business incubator, manufacturing enterprises and a governing body; within the business incubator, an infrastructure must be created for the development of small innovative firms; the business incubator infrastructure must be provided by service companies.

It is determined that the most important aspect of the development of innovation processes is the provision of feedback between commodity producers and developers of scientific products. It is advisable to use the point technology of innovation activity: to concentrate the introduction of innovations on specific territories, creating the bases of approbation.

It is proposed to use the cluster mechanism of state regulation, which involves the concentration of state resources in support of sector clusters, as tools for increasing the innovation activity of Ukrainian industry. Three models of implementation of the cluster mechanism at the regional level are identified, namely: integration of the cluster approach in the regional strategy of socio-economic development, the use of a cluster approach within the framework of the development of separate branches of the region, own cluster policy of the region.

It is proved that the cluster approach can be considered as the system of complementary elements. The basic principles of the cluster system construction are defined, namely: geographic proximity; a certain sectoral (multidisciplinary) sphere; interaction of small and big business; general and personal economic benefits; an innovative managerial link.

Among the main measures and instruments for regulating the cluster it is proposed to highlight the following: state (creating a system of software and regulatory regulation of clusters in accordance with the principles of regionalization and the legislative and legal and economic and regulatory framework for their regulation) and public (identification of socioeconomic processes taking  into account the interests of all subjects of the cluster process, definition, analysis, generalization and evaluation of domestic and foreign experience for the formation of a new system of industrial relations).

The strategic goals of the state policy in the innovation sphere are proposed to be implemented no other than through the innovative infrastructure that covers all innovations cycle. In addition to the development of the regional innovation system in the each region, it is necessary to create the effective infrastructure for it, the functioning of which should be aimed at activating innovative processes, increasing attention to small business.

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