The analysis of secondary marketing information shows that the current situation in Ukraine is characterized by dissatisfaction with the needs of the moral and ethical nature of the population, which is one of the factors of the economic crisis (the lack of trust in the relations between consumers and manufacturers and sellers and transparency in the conduct of business processes caused an imbalance of economic balance). Therefore, in the process of strategic planning at enterprises, it is necessary to be guided by the principles of socially responsible business. At the same time, the implementation by domestic enterprises of socially responsible business measures is a necessary component of increasing their competitiveness. The consumer, as a unit of society, satisfies his interest in the growth of the general standard of living. The company, in turn, receives not only a society-favorable opinion for its own functioning but also an increase in the recognition and loyalty of customers and its own employees, which positively affects its financial performance.
The work based on the analysis of statistical information analyzes the level of satisfaction of the needs of the population of Ukraine in accordance with the classification of the needs of A. Maslow and the theory of spiral dynamics. It was established that companies, based on the basic provisions of the concept of value marketing, are important to realize their role in the development of society and in the purpose of responsibility, to develop and implement measures for the development of society and its transition to the next stage of meeting the needs of people, implementing them in all areas of their activities. This need is also reinforced by the interest of the younger generation in social problems: his concern about the environmental state of the planet and the degree of environmental pollution, food safety, the desire for inclusiveness, openness, and transparency of society and the economy in particular, etc. Especially clearly evidence of the theory about the need for companies to conduct socially responsible business can be seen in a pandemic because together with the difficulty of meeting the basic needs of people, their moral and ethical needs are obvious and dissatisfied.
The paper contains recommended measures of social responsibility of companies according to the pyramid of A. Maslow and the theory of spiral dynamics, which allow them to realize universal human values and needs at higher levels. The measures of social responsibility of business submitted by the authors are further grouped into four groups of social needs, such as ecology, development, security, and assistance.
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