The article analyzes the main indicators that characterize the population of Ukraine, in particu- lar unemployment, mobility by region, birth rate and mortality, in particular, the forecast of the popu- lation of Ukraine and in terms of two categories such as ages 0–14 years and 65 years and older.
The information on the experience of Ukrainians working abroad by regions during 2002 and 2020, trends of international migration for the period 1990–2020 and migration of the population from Ukraine are given. As it shown, the lowest figure was in 2010 and amounted to 5.4 million people living outside the country. The decline in the number of Ukrainian labor migrants abroad has doubled in the last 15 years, in 2010 - due to the global economic crisis and the emergence of problems with employ- ment of migrants abroad and in 2020 – declining trends directly depended on global restrictions and lockdown citizens lost their jobs and were forced to return home.
The factors of the international migration of the population and determine its global trends, scale and directions and the main typical causes of migration of Ukrainians, which have the greatest impact on the process of change of the country, were determined. Sometimes it is difficult to determine the main reason for moving and mostly migrants are driven by a combination of reasons and factors.
Many foreign countries declare their interest in Ukrainian labor migrants and are ready to in- troduce additional measures to attract and retain foreign workers in the market. The countries that have significantly weakened the living conditions for Ukrainian labor migrants in order to attract them more, including Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Germany and other countries, have been identified, and the main measures implemented have been described.
The migration processes in Ukraine that took place after February 24, 2022 and are related to martial law are also described.
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