Retail trade in Ukraine is an important branch of its economy and significantly affects the satisfaction of the population's needs for consumer goods. Based on the analysis of secondary marketing information, it was determined that the volumes of retail turnover of enterprises operating in the field of retail trade increased significantly in 2021 compared to 2013.
The influence of changes in certain factors of the macro- and microenvironment on the functioning of retail trade enterprises of Ukraine was studied. It has been established that their development is positively influenced by the cultural environment and the scientific and technical environment. At the same time, the political environment (political instability due to military actions in Ukraine), the economic environment (decrease in the level of population income, inflation, reduction of GDP), the demographic environment (migration of the population, reduction in its number) have a significant negative impact on the functioning of retail trade enterprises of Ukraine. At the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine, as a result of the destruction of warehouses and shops in a number of regions of our country, the disruption of relations with suppliers, and the shortage of a number of goods, retail enterprises suffered significant losses. Having closed stores in temporarily occupied territories or where active hostilities are taking place, large retail chains in 2022 opened a number of new stores in the Western regions of Ukraine and in the city of Kyiv, significantly changing the territorial structure of retail trade. The destruction of manufacturing enterprises or the limitation of their capacities forces retailers to look for new suppliers of goods, reduce their product range, and optimize logistics. The functioning of retail trade enterprises was significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. There was a significant increase in the number of online stores of food retailers, “click and collect”, “click and drive” services appeared. Today, there is a sharp increase in the prices of goods, compared to the pre-war period, which, in the conditions of a reduction in the level of income of the population of Ukraine, limits the volume of their purchases in physical terms. Having slightly adapted to the new conditions, retail enterprises need to intensify their marketing activities to increase the volume of purchases by store visitors and expand their customer base.
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