Features of Organizing the Work of the Customs Department of the Enterprise Based on the Distributed Office Model

: pp. 9 - 17
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

The article examines the essence of the category of solving the problems of organizing the work of the customs department on the basis of the distributed office model. In the current economic environment, the following are promising areas of activity establishing business relations with foreign partners and conducting foreign economic operations. This is due to the strengthening of European integration pro- cesses, good logistical location, availability of necessary resources etc. The key points of foreign economic activity are crossing the country's customs border, which requires customs clearance of cargo customs clearance of cargo, submit the necessary supporting documentation and provide other reliable data re- quested by the customs authorities. The customs clearance process is mainly the responsibility of the cus- toms department of the enterprise, which directly affects the efficiency of export-import activities and, accordingly, the analysis and study of the organization of activities and, accordingly, analysis and research of the organization of its work ensures the desired level of competitiveness of the company in the foreign market. As a result of the conducted research, it was determined that the main problems of organizing the customs department based on the distributed office model are a low level of control over the reliability of information, the efficiency of the work of employees and the irrational use of working time. Accord- ingly, the ways to solve these problems are the development of a control system to determine the effective- ness of the performance of duties by employees of the customs department and the implementation of time management techniques to optimize work based on the distributed office model Taking into account the rapid pace of development of digitalization, most employers prefer to organize the work of divisions, including foreign economic and customs, based on the distributed office model. The essence of this model is the remote mode of operation of one or more divisions of the enterprise. The advantages of its imple- mentation are the reduction of costs for organizing work in the office, better communication between employees etc.

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