Managing the effectiveness of the organization is one of the main functions of the professional activities of the newest Ukrainian managers. Managing the effectiveness of the organization is a continuous process that logically covers the actions and procedures of the linear manager in a single chain according to the logic of meaningful activity: from the formulation of goals to control the achieved results. The main consequence of the evolution of performance management over the last decade is to focus not only on goals but also on means.
In the course of the study it is envisaged to study and generalize scientific approaches regarding the role and content of monitoring the individual performance of employees in the process of managing the organization.
The system for evaluating individual performance involves continuous monitoring of performance, which should be guided by agreed objectives, work plans, personnel development and improvement of its business processes. Most scholars believe that the ongoing monitoring process determines the informal discussion of the results achieved, formal interim inspections, and official attestations. Attestation of employees for the effectiveness is aimed at motivation, staff development, communication.
Management of individual performance, in particular, and its monitoring should be based on an agreement between the manager and employee. The agreement describes the objectives of the employee and how to measure the results of this work, fixes the agreed direction of development, forms the basis for measurements, feedback, evaluation and development of employees. The agreements formulate expectations - the results to be achieved and the skills, knowledge and experience necessary to achieve them. At the stage of employee performance planning, it is agreed on what criteria will be used for evaluating the effectiveness and what the actual data will serve as the basis for determining the levels of competencies.
Expectations should be clearly defined and coordinated in the form of job profiles. The profile should describe the current tasks in the form of requirements for each essential component of work in a particular position. It also targets from short to medium term, in terms of expanding skills and knowledge, alignment with the core values of the organization, and the fulfillment of the requirements for employee behavior. Throughout the year, especially during interim inspections, it is necessary to review the job profiles and individual goals in accordance with changes in the organization's activities.
A prerequisite for monitoring individual performance is to provide feedback in the process of managing performance. It allows you to determine the achievements of an employee or identify weak points that need improvement or development.
The traditional approach to staff assessment is focused on an individual, while non-traditional involves evaluating within a group interaction. The performance evaluation system should be based on quality information and reasoned opinions; the assessment procedure must be clear, transparent and accessible to workers with an opportunity to appeal the assessment.
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