Fighting smuggling in Ukraine: measures and challenges

: pp. 179 - 189
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

Ukraine, as a modern state, faces the challenge of effectively combating smuggling, which not only leads to significant budget losses but also poses a threat to national security and economic development. This article discusses the key aspects of this problem, from the causes of smuggling of equipment to the low level of incentives for customs officers and the threats they face.

The reasons for smuggling are discussed, such as corruption, excessive customs duties and taxes, and imperfect legislation.

The article also considers the need for parliamentary and public control over the actions of customs and border authorities, as well as optimization of taxation to ensure effective protection of the domestic market. Particular emphasis is placed on the importance of international cooperation, technical support, dog training and public education for the successful fight against smuggling.

The article also discusses the problem of low salaries and poor incentives for customs officers, which can jeopardize the effectiveness of the fight against smuggling. The article concludes with a section on possible threats to customs officials and ways to address them, including the possibility of threats, bribery and other negative influences that complicate their work.

This article also discusses comprehensive measures such as technical support for customs, the development of a dog service, and the importance of public education for the successful fight against smuggling. The low level of salaries among customs officers and their weak incentives to disclose smuggling schemes are seen as a systemic problem that requires a comprehensive approach and solution.

The author analyzes the threats that may be directed at customs officials by smugglers and criminal elements. Scenarios of influence, possible bribery, threats and other negative interactions are discussed in order to ensure effective measures to protect customs and border services.

All these aspects interact and influence the success of the fight against smuggling in Ukraine. The article highlights the need for a systematic approach and cooperation of all stakeholders – government agencies, the public and international partners – to create an effective system that minimizes the risks and losses from smuggling.

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